in reality - nobody cares what teenagers think. Not even the teenagers that participate in student debate, mock trial, speech...or any activity where students act as though their limited education allows their verbal vomit to possess any more merit than usual. There was a recent debate on our very own HPC about the legitimacy of blogs and new media venues in general. Many people have the opinion that blogs are like teenagers; self-indulgent, narcissistic, snotty shit for brains, and they never shut up. Funny thing is, I like blogs. I read a ton of blogs, about all kinds of things...some completely for the purpose of wasting time and laughing and others because their content is challenging and informative. (and yes...I know slate is a magazine...but their writers blog). Because, while blogs might be a little too cool and full of themselves at times, they can be shut off, navigated away from, or simply never visited again - the teenagers is an entirely different subject. Teenagers will follow you if they know you're uncomfortable in their presence. In fact, teenagers enjoy pissing people off. Look at the jag-off above - this idiot teenager in Australia is a lame-ass racist piece of shit who has been convicted of drunk driving, spitting on an asian kid, and all around douche-baggery. Guess why? He's a teenager. Therefore, impressionable, sure of himself, and stupid. And when he's out of jail or off house arrest he's going to be back in the general public - and that makes me shudder.
I happen to like teenagers....cougar style.
I prefer the actors who play teenagers, well into their thirties. Oh, Luke Perry, who did you think you were fooling?
Extreme and I loath teenagers. We feel sick to our stomaches that we even were teenagers. The only good teenager is a dead teenager. Maybe?
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