I saw this guy at a bar once who was rocking a mohawk who also had a tattoo on his head. The deal was, if he didn't have that haircut, you couldn't see his tattoo. And from that day forward, I've hated mohawks.
I've also decided that there are only two groups of people that can wear them:
-Little kids.
-NBA players.
End of discussion. Edit: I picked a really bad photo for the post, but it's so stupid it stays.
So basically HPC says "no" to Mohawks? Way to be a fascist Gerbik.
does that photo look like a busted ellen page to anyone else?
I never thought you'd start dropping the fascist shit, but yes, I am the Nazi ruler of HPC. You didn't even have to take it to the Nazi level, I brought it there for you.
As for a busted Ellen Page, yes, it is. For the record, Ellen Page, or her character Juno, is the chick I wish that I'd knocked up in highschool, me, having knocked up no one, ever. I'd knock up that chick from "Knocked Up" too, strictly for the record, of course.
that chick from knocked up is way hot. i wish i knocked her up too. shes probably got some cash too...
ellen page doesn't suck either. she would suck however, with a mohawk.
The only people entitled to have mohawks are Mohawks. And most of them have the good sense not to.
I'll bet five bucks that chick from Knocked Up looks nasty without a pound of makeup on. I will bet an additional five bucks that, if the Knocked Up chick's career goes tits up, she'll be the next spokesmodel for Proactiv.
But Ellen Page is still hot.
Katherine Heigl is awesome but my current love lust goes to Seth Rogen. I'd knock him up...if I could....
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