So happenstance strikes again. Random run-in with Lauren from Fobia days-past was fantastic this last weekend. A party, a huge lunch, a bbq, a movie...it was on. It all lead to an invite from her to her place for dinner last night. Good thing I had to work. It was fantastic drinking kalimotxos and watching her prepare everything. It was a little bit of a let-down to have to leave her place literally as she was pulling the amazing looking dish out of the oven. C'est la vie. Consolation prize - a cherry galette which she sent with me...and I devoured for breakfast.
So anyway, left the dinner party to head to a Beast House party which was rad. And there was food. Thank god or I might have lost it. Went out for work until a little after 1 and was raging hungry. Guess what? Conveniently received a text message at 12:59 which read "I'll get u chinese food today" so I'm hyped. Chinese food? Love it. Today? Even better...I already missed one dinner. I would like a back-up dinner, I mean, who wouldn't? So I drive myself over to Uptown only to find myself with no chinese dinner. Appararently there are no chinese food places open at 2:00am on a Thursday night. Why this would be is pretty much not making sense to me. I would have paid at least $8 for chinese food at 2:00am. $9 if there would have been hot and sour soup. Instead I paid $7 for a Jack's pizza and a turkey and brie sandwich from Kowalskis.
Then, this morning, EC informs me that his boss, the wife of his boss, and he thinks he - have herpangina. That's right. Herpangina. Guess what? Herpangina is not a VD. It's not herpes. It has nothing to do with your gina. It's some weird sore throat thing that gives you blisters on your hands and feet. What the fuck? I'm moving off the couch. Contamination is my fear. Herpangina is it's name. I would also like to point out that the cause of herpangina is Coxsackievirus. Yeah - you read that right. Cox-sack-ievirus. This shit is made up.
The past 12 hours have been insane.