Friday, May 16, 2008

If It's Not From The Heart It Is Just Paper

Kyle received a birthday card today from his work. The CEO decided to include his personal business card in with the card. How self important do you have to think you are to think that someone would be hyped on receiving your business card for their birthday? I plan on e-mailing the douche and telling him that a business card is not a gift. In fact it is garbage. If this dill hole really believed that people would use the business card than I doubt he would ever send them out. Happy's a slap in the fucking face. Well, I plan on using the business card to give this a-hole a piece of my mind. Down with the "corporate mentality".

suck it

p.s. I have not been hating or partying hence my absence.

1 comment:

Extreme Ash said...

I was there is real life, so I'm pretty much 100% cooler than this d.bag ceo. Sorry we had to bail early kyle. happy birthday again!