Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Are you fucking kidding me?

And a whole lot of other emotions that are spewing right now. So I kind of had a 180 in attitude today. I woke up feeling great - the airmattress/coffee table setup is working nicely. It was sunny out, I put on a skirt - didn't even need a sweater. Listening to Cut Copy, started a pleasant IM session, talking to the Saloon about an event, planning on going to Triple Rock tonight, City Page's "Best Of" party tomorrow, dinner at Palomino Thursday...the world was in order. Bombs have now been dropped and I'm sort of just sitting here. It doesn't even matter what the "bombs" were, just that something can swing my good mood so far in the other direction bums me out. I am one of those people who tries to have a lot of self control over my emotions and my actions. You all know me - I like control, I'm in charge, I make the decisions (to my detriment at times). I don't like when that is taken away from me, and I don't like that it can happen easily. Hopefully I get in the swing of things and rock the other way soon. I'd just like to give a big fuck you to other people having control. There - feeling better already.

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