Monday, February 18, 2008

The Violence of the Scams

On Saturday night I spent a quiet evening at home reading the new GQ magazine. Flipping through (looking at the pictures mostly) I came to an article entitled "The Violence of the Lambs". In this article John Jeremiah Sullivan writes about the growing threat of animal violence upon humans. He highlights recent events where animals have acted uncharacteristically violent against human beings. I was enthralled. My mind was blown. Sullivan talks (in excess for about three pages) about a fanatical researcher on the fringes of science who believes that the next catastrophic historical event will be the uniting of animals against human beings. It is an apocolyptic narrative about bears and dolphins uniting to take down the oppressive human race...only it seemed some-what convincing. The last paragraph of the article states that pretty much the entire article is a lie..with exception to all the bizarre animal uprising stories (which were actually very interesting).

This is why Sullivan is in my hater spotlight. If you are going to fill some one's head with apoctolyptic garbage about such things at least do so in a credible way. I do not want to have a panic attack over my impending doom and then come to find out I have just read a work of fiction! If I am going to have a panic attack I want it to be on real terms! this article in GQ it's pretty good...but don't get too worked up about it...(maybe even skip the last three pages). It does shed some interesting insight into the stress that human beings inflict on the animal kingdom. However, it does leave you wondering if strange animal phenomena is on the rise or if it is just more readily covered by the media than it ever was before....there is a lot about this article that is currently annoying me....

p.s. if you didn't already know, "Memiors of a Geisha" was not actually a real memior...that book is fiction was written by a white guy....

I could not find any links to this article on the web so if you want to read it you can borrow my GQ, buy it on new stands (that is not an endorsement), or most likely-find it on the internet yourself.


Sofia Reina said...

what a hater. if the apocolypse is going to happen soon (of which I don't doubt) i would like it to be because animals got their act together. I mean - me against a cheetah...I think the cheetah is going to win. wait - am I missing the point?

Anonymous said...

I was hyped like all the way through that first paragraph. I was thinking about the animal human wars and how that shit almost makes The Terminator look bush league. And then, the whole thing was blown. I'll join in your hate on this one.