Last night on Jay Leno there was a special segment with Marjorie Johnson, a minnesota native and cookie enthusiast, in which she went to the Grammy's to interview celebrities (and give away some of her world famous cookies). Many stars consumed the cookes while many others respectfully denied saying that they couldn't eat cookies on their diets. When Marjorie offered renown chef/douche bag Wolfgang Puck a cookie he cordially accepted it and offered to do a collaboration with her saying that she would make "a good pastery chef". Then when walking away he slyly slipped his cookie back into her basked. The audacity! He couldn't hold on to it a mere few seconds before he found a garbage can or......god forbid.....even taste the cookie (which are award winning...let me remind you). Puckster instead decided the best method of getting rid of the cookie was to publicly disrespect Marjorie (and thus Minnesota) by putting the cookie back in her basket. For that he deserves to be hated. Small acts speak a lot of a person's character. He should have respect for his fellow chef but instead he is stuck on his pompous high horse. Well Wolfman your food isn't even very good. Your chain of restaurants, in my mind at least, is akin to that of T.G.I. Fridays or Olive Garden. Get over yourself!!!
He was not the only grammy attendee who incurred my wrath. Ringo Starr also denied a cookie saying that he does not eat sugar. Gag me with a spoon! What the hell is wrong with that asshole? "Octopus's garden" was okay but it is no "let it be". What kind of a asshole claims to not fucking eat sugar!?!? Get over yourself Starr!
1 comment:
fuck these mother fucking fuck faces to fuckin death.
yeah...fuck em' to death
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