Saturday, March 15, 2008

Fuck a Racist

I know, I know...tone the language down a notch. But seriously - there is no other way to put it. Maybe it's because I'm from a super liberal state, or maybe it's because I'm awesome...but I seriously have no tolerance for racists. Know how I know that? Because I met some last week and I wanted to punch them in the face.

I'm not trying to claim I'm "color-blind" because that's the most preposterous statement on the planet. I'm also not trying to claim I don't personally have some prejudicial tendencies...because as much as I try not to...well...I'm not perfect.

What I do know is I would never walk out of a perfectly good bar which was playing great music, and then turn to someone and say "That place was too dark" - and believe me - the lights weren't too low.

I will hate all day everyday on some wack-ass flared out white denim; Makos bar in Hoarlando, and racists (not all in the same level of hatred mind you) - so if you fall into any of those three out.

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