I made a new friends this weekend. His name is Bobby "Fish" Kennedy. I named him this in honor of the late great president that never was. Is this really the America that you want to live in? The one where Robert F. Kennedy exists in memorium only? Every time I look at my fish I am reminded of all the great civil rights leaders and pacifists that have been lost on this long winding road of repression and bloodshed that we know as American history. The death of RFK singnaled the end of an era of hope and the real kind of liberalism. Bobby kennedy, Dr. King, Malcom x and many others are all examples of the power the one person can have to fight for change. They are also, sadly, examples of the outcome one faces when they have a dissenting voice and a following of people listening to that voice. Now the decisive leaders calling the shots are doing so in the name of capitalist greed, corporate wellfare, and materialsim. Do we really want to sell these western ideals to the world? It's certainly not the world I want to live in. But I am lucky, I have Bobby Kennedy living in my house and in my heart. The only Ideology I subscribe to is peace.