Friday, June 19, 2009

WTF. Really.

I'm trying to embed this video from the New Yorker, but it's not working. You can see the "At The Fire David Letterman Rally" vid here. Take two minutes of your life and watch that craziness. (Scroll all the way to the bottom to check the vid).

I know the Letterman/Palin joke is old news, and I saw some clip of his apology and then Palin saying it wasn't a real apology (or some shit) and I didn't really care about it (so why should you).

Then I saw that video.
I'm not joking when I say my jaw dropped and my hand was covering my mouth in shock at the end. There are no words to describe how deeply I am upset by this, I just can't get over the fact that those people are real (with the exception of the dude with the red beard). I do not understand them, and frankly, I think I'm at war with them.

Full hate.

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