Lauren called me this morning and asked if I wanted to come over for brunch. I was debating whether I should bike or drive...but after a walk to Lund's I decided to drive (I'm sorry...but the humidity is stifling right now and my legs and back are killing me). On my way home from Lauren's I was driving through downtown Minneapolis and came across a bike sharing station set up by Freewheelin. They set up the same thing in Denver for the DNC, and the goal was to get 25,000 miles ridden on these free-to-use bikes between both conventions...I guess the hit 26,xxx in Denver...so they're getting their point across, which is great.
So why the post on HPC?
As I was driving past (what I think is a very good idea) I noticed a Cadillac Escalade blocking traffic in the right lane. They were pulled over to let a few people out, all of whom were wearing Freewheelin shirts...so these people are either employees or volunteers of the bike share group. WHY, Sirs, are you then driving around in an Escalade! I guarantee your hotel is in downtown Minneapolis...and even if for some off-chance it's in St. Paul - do you really need an Escalade? The .9 carbon footprint reduction I saw lit on the big promotion board has been erased by your ridiculous need to floss. ick. I commented on their blog, but the comments need to be approved before they are posted...can't wait to see if I get the green light.
Sidenote: I think I saw that 10,000 some miles had already been ridden in MPLS...if that is true (and not a misread on my part...that's fucking tits.)
It's like the fools at the state fair with their hybrid vehicle display that comes out of a standard 16-wheeler-think about it people.
FYI - my comment was approved and is up on the freewheelin site!
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