I just sat through the first day of classes today, and through all the first day stupid questions and all that shit (aside: they managed to register for classes and or to be accepted to school and they're asking that question!?), we also went over the whole plagiarism thing for all four of my classes. That got me thinking about Senator Joe Biden and his recent ascension to VP Candidate and something that I read today, I think.
I never knew this, but Biden ran for President in 1988. And I definitely didn't know that he exited the race after he was called out for multiple proven cases of plagiarism. Further reading here (full disclosure: I haven't read that article yet). So just when is McCain going to pounce on this? And when is the rest of the media barring Slate going to remind the general public of this? The true essence of Obamamania will be put to the test with the latter question. And the question remains, as posed in the first article; how much does it still matter? While I'd love to know, it won't affect my vote.
As a final thought for the other posters on this blog, myself included, let's not go another month neglecting our little blog baby. Summer is pretty much over, so there's gonna be plenty of hate to go around. I just hope us people are still even checking this thing. Love, where you at (in general and in life too, call me!)?
Edit: I went back and read the second article that I'd linked to and it noted far more egregious acts of plagiarism on Biden's part. It seems to have started in college. I've never ever understood those that can blatantly lie about themselves, especially when aspects of it can easily be dis-proven, as in Bidens' case. Whether it represents insecurity regarding said liar, or simply an attitude of "by any means necessary," both are rather telling.
As stated, I like(d?) Biden. He's real enough to escape the simple tag of typical politician and maybe unscrupulous enough to regain that tag. As long as a departure from our current shitty path is something that the Dems will continue to stick to, I'm still voting Obama this fall. Running mates don't matter anyways, right?
Fuck a dude that...
I hate to say it, but the running mate does matter. As you all know this won't change my vote, but it does make me question it...and that hurts. I walked in while Gerbik was writing this (and I haven't yet read the linked articles) but I'm disappointed to learn this about the Veep nominee. I hate politicians.
and this:
sorry...blogger is being weird and it won't let me link it correctly.
Disappointed shmisappointed (yea, I made that shit up), we're talking about politicians for fuck's sake. For some reason I've always been under the impression that we all make mistakes. And more often then not, it's not so much about the mistakes you make, but rather the lessons you learn from them and the changes you make to better yourself as a person. Let Biden be a stronger man and running mate because of this, but there's no need to drag him under a bus that took off 20 years ago.
Yes we make mistakes, and yes, the lesson learned is far more indicative of character in a person than the mistake made. But Carl, as you so eloquently stated, we're talking about politicians for fuck's sake. With that said, I feel like 20 year old transgressions carry about as much weight as the possible lessons learned.
It won't affect my vote though, a point reiterated into the ground at this point. I feel like an informed voting public is important, even if I wouldn't necessarily want them to be informed of the issue at hand.
Touché, Mr. Gerbik. Touché. It certainly won't affect my vote either. In fact, I find it quite encouraging to find a few dents in the armor. But to digress... Sarah Palin? What the...! Seriously???
Hail Mary! Let's get those Hillary voters!
Well it's official. I'm a woman, so I better vote for a woman. I mean, who cares that she's an evangelical right winger who is pro-life and has two years (I'm not counting her time as a mayor) experience in a state that is far removed (figuratively and physically) from the rest of the county. Never mind that she asked what the VPs job is (in a much earlier MSNBC interview). She has a vagina - she wins my vote.
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